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Zhongchuan Peony Nursery, Lanzhou, Gansu
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What Is Tree Peony Seed Seedling?

Author: Zhongchuan Peony     Publish Time: 2024-08-08      Origin: Site

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What Is Tree Peony Seed Seedling?  

Seed seedlings refer to peony seedlings propagated through seeds, that is, seedlings grown from peony seeds after sowing. The following is a detailed introduction to seed seedlings:

 seed seedling base

  1.Genetic diversity: Seed seedlings are propagated from seeds and therefore have a broad genetic basis, which may include various genetic characteristics of the parents. This results in significant differences in the growth process of seed seedlings, including growth rate, color, and pattern.

  2.Strong adaptability: Due to genetic diversity, seed seedlings usually have strong adaptability and can grow under different environmental conditions. This makes it easier for seed seedlings to adapt to various soil and climate conditions during the planting process.

  3.Longer growth cycle: Compared with grafted seedlings, seed sown seedlings usually have a longer growth cycle. It takes a long time from sowing to flowering, so growers need to be patient and wait.

  4.Relatively cheap price: Compared with grafted peony seedlings, seed sown seedlings have more uncertainty, including flower type and color, and no one knows what they will grow from the seeds of the mother plant?

seed seedling

  Application scenarios

  Seed sowing seedlings are mainly used for engineering greening, afforestation in barren mountains, and other aspects. Due to its strong adaptability and low cost, seed sowing is suitable for planting on large areas of land.

seed seedling

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Phone: +86 13909482379
Whatsapp: +86 13909482379
Location:Zhongchuan Peony Garden, Lanzhou New Area, Gansu, China,2000 acres of mountain peony garden
Address:  Gansu Province Postal Code: 730314

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