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Home » News » Tree Peony Care Experts » How To Choose Tree Peony Seeds?

How To Choose Tree Peony Seeds?

Author: Zhongchuan Peony     Publish Time: 2024-08-17      Origin: Site

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How to choose tree peony seeds?

1、 Observe the appearance features

Maturity: Choosing mature tree peony seeds is crucial. Mature tree peony seeds usually have a hard seed coat and a color that changes from green to brownish yellow. Avoid choosing seeds with too soft seed coat or incomplete color change, as these may not be fully mature yet.

Plumpness: High quality peony seeds should be plump and round, without any drying or sinking phenomenon. Full seeds have sufficient internal nutrients, which are beneficial for germination and growth.

Surface condition: Observe whether the seed surface is smooth, undamaged, and free from any signs of pests or diseases. Seeds with pests and diseases may carry pathogens, affecting the growth of other healthy seeds.

tree peony seed

2、 Understand the planting background

Source channel: It is best to purchase peony seeds from reputable merchants or professional horticultural institutions, who can usually provide quality assurance and planting advice. Avoid purchasing seeds from unknown sources to prevent uneven quality.

Planting history: Understanding the planting history of this batch of seeds, including variety characteristics, growth environment, etc., can help better grasp planting techniques and management methods.

tree peony seed

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Phone: +86 13909482379
Whatsapp: +86 13909482379
Location:Zhongchuan Peony Garden, Lanzhou New Area, Gansu, China,2000 acres of mountain peony garden
Address:  Gansu Province Postal Code: 730314

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